Mental Health Champion welcomes mental health focus of Stormont's Opposition Day

During their first Opposition Day since the Assembly’s return the SDLP concentrated on addressing suicide and mental health provision.

Three motions from the Opposition will be presented before the Assembly on Monday afternoon, one of which urges the Executive to collaborate in making suicide prevention a priority across all departments, with targets set to tackle poor mental health.

Additional motions will focus on restoring core funding for the community and voluntary sector and cross-departmental efforts to enhance children’s mental health.

Welcoming the motions, Mental Health Champion, Professor Siobhan O’Neill said: 

“It is positive that mental health is the focus of Monday’s motions put forward by the Opposition. Poor mental health in NI is causing untold suffering and costing our economy billions annually. It is vital that we invest in the transformation of mental health services and complete our agreed programme of reform to prevent mental illness and ensure that those who suffer most receive the treatment that they need.”

“Mental health is everyone’s business, every government department has a role to play and the evidence is clear that prioritising mental health brings benefits across all aspects of society. I look forward to a constructive debate with agreed actions to bring forward the necessary changes.”

SDLP Opposition Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath stated: 

“The SDLP is using our first Opposition Day since the return of the Assembly to shine a spotlight on an issue that impacts every family and community in the North. Mental health is something that we all have to manage, but when people here find themselves struggling or in crisis they often have nowhere to turn, the services just aren’t there to meet their needs; every year we are losing far too many people to suicide while countless others struggle with issues such as depression and anxiety.

“Despite these issues staring us in the face, the Executive has been far too slow to act. They have championed the importance of good mental health, while action and funding have been thin on the ground. The SDLP Opposition believes that if we are ever truly going to get to grips with this issue then we need a cross-departmental approach which enhances mental health and wellbeing alongside clear targets and objectives to improve mental health services.

“Due to continued political failure the community and voluntary sector has had to step up, as it so often does, and fill the gaps when it comes to offering support services around mental health. Their situation was made even more difficult with the recent removal of core funding, the closure of support networks and the loss of services and this must be immediately restored so that these groups can continue their vital work.

“We also welcome the foundation of the Mental Health Policy Alliance that brings together so many of these groups to share their expertise and to fight for the change in the way the Executive approaches mental health that is so badly needed. The SDLP is proud to stand with them today and push for meaningful action so that everyone can get the mental health support they need when they need it.”

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